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What Molecule Increases Leaky Gut?

I had a patient who had to wait till around lunch time to leave the house because he would have 4-5 urgent bowel movements in the morning. His intestines chained him to his house because he couldn't be sure how quickly he could find a bathroom to pull over the car, should he leave home. This affected work and social life. Now many of you may not have symptoms as severe as this, but may be plagued with bloating, multiple food sensitivities, or a very reactive GI tract where there is no rhyme or reason to when your gut may act up.Photo Credit Ed Uthman

worked on the principles of healing his intestinal barrier, repopulating proper microbiome, and reducing inflammation. And the patient I mentioned above longer had urgency to stool, was able to go to work at a normal time and resume social activities with friends. 

The symptoms described above are some of the symptoms associated with "Leaky Gut". I have the priviledge to be one of the writers for the NaturalPath Publications and you can see the full article about The One Molecule That Causes Leaky Gut Here.

We will discuss:

  • What Molecule is associated with Leaky Gut
  • Zonulin
  • What Increases that Molecule (Transglutaminase, Nano Particles)
  • Where they are found and how to avoid them
  • Secretory IgA 
  • How to Fix Leaky Gut 

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