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What does the BIA data tell about my health?

Water: “The solution to pollution is dilution” Increased fluid outside the cells may indicate a toxic body. Adrenal stress affects aldosterone, which regulates fluid distribution. Proper amounts of water need to be inside a cell for optimal function. Maintenance of intracellular water is essential for mitochondrial energy levels and regulation of electrolytes. 

Muscle: Body cell mass (Active Tissue Mass) can indirectly give information on muscle mass when taken into account other parameters such as intracellular water. Sarcopenia (loss of muscle) is associated with poor immunity, aging, osteoporosis, impaired healing and poor quality of life. 

Fat: Pounds or percentage of body fat cannot be determined by weight or BMI. Decrease in weight with some weight loss programs does not necessarily mean loss of fat. The BIA can measure these components, tracking shift of body composition such as reduction of body fat and not loss of muscle mass. 

Phase Angle: Phase angle clinically correlates with cell membrane integrity and water distribution. Increase in phase angle usually indicates improvement in health. Higher phase angle increases prognosis in HIV, bacteremia, liver disease, kidney disease, and cancer. 

Basal Metabolic Rate: BMR measures how fast your body metabolizes. BMR calculations based from BIA are more accurate than calculations based only on height and weight. Knowing your BMR is useful to calculate daily food intake requirements. 


How do we measure progress?

Symptoms, vital signs, laboratory values and BIA (Bio Impedance Analysis) measurements are tracked. The way a BIA machine works is similar to that of an EKG. The BIA measures reactance (related to the ability of the cell to store charge, and variations can occur depending on its integrity, function and composition) and resistance (opposition offered by the body to the flow of an alternating current. Water and electrolytes have lower resistance, fat has higher resistance). 

Computer regression analysis of reactance and resistance gives computed data such as proportions of intracellular water, extracellular water, body cell mass (skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, organ tissue), free fat mass, phase angle, basal metabolic rate; when parameters such as age, weight, height, amount of exercise are entered into the program. BIA devices are required by the NIH to be standardized and results are accurate and reproducible. 


How do we decrease disease risk factors?

Approximately 30% of America’s children are overweight and one in six children are obese. Excess weight is correlated to increased risk of death, fatigue, diabetes and hypertension. But even one quarter of people with normal BMIs 19-24 (Body Mass Index) have insulin resistance, which is a risk factor for other chronic disease including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, hormonal imbalance etc. Normal weight individuals can be metabolically obese, meaning they have elevated levels of body fat, and/or low muscle mass. 

Beware of quick weight loss programs that result in loss of muscle mass. This is detrimental to health. Mere weight loss does not necessarily lead to better health. Loss of weight in the proper body compartments is essential to optimal metabolic function in the body. 

Newer studies show that merely weight and BMI are not accurate predictors of chronic disease risk factors. Rather percentages of body fat, where the fat is stored, and muscle mass are better tracking tools. The BIA device can measure all of these parameters. 

First Line Therapy is a program that helps bring body composition back to proportions that are supportive of healthy cellular function. It increases overall health, energy and allows the body to heal from chronic disease.


What are the diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome?

Diagnostic Criteria for Metabolic Syndrome:
3 out of the 5
Increased Waist Circumference     >35 inches women, >40 inches men
Elevated Triglycerides                  >150mg/dl
Decreased HDL                           <50 women, <40 men
Elevated Blood Pressure              >130/85 mm Hg or drug treatment for hypertension
Elevated Blood Sugar                  >100 mg/dl or drug treatment for elevated glucose


Who needs FirstLine Therapy?

Anyone can benefit from FirstLine Therapy, whether the purpose is for prevention, healthier living, weight loss, diabetes/pre-diabetes, elevated cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, or for addressing chronic disease. FirstLine Therapy is not only for patients with Metabolic Syndrome. FLT addresses many of the underlying causes of disease including hormonal imbalance, autoimmune disease, and gastrointestinal disease to name a few. 

Multiple clinical trials have shown first line therapy to be effective in addressing Cardio Metabolic Syndrome. Patients fitting the diagnostic criteria for Metabolic Syndrome were no longer classified as having Metabolic Syndrome after 12 weeks of being on the program.