Frustrated Your Health Is Not Getting Better?

I don't get sick often, but when I catch a cold, it always seems like it happens after something stressful. Have you noticed getting sick after someone close to you has problems you worry about? Or an illness comes on after you feel overwhelmed? Or getting sick after being so busy and running on empty?
With health problems the first thing most doctors and patients think of is to take something like a medicine or natural supplement to help it go away. When we can find something natural that gets to the root of the problem, that is a plus. But I find only 30-50% of patients get 100% better with just "taking something". So what's the missing link most doctors haven't been able to help you with yet?
Have you wondered why you're still sick even though you've changed your diet, avoided your food allergens, taken supplements, herbs, spent lots of money and feel like you've done everything? That can be frustrating. The good news is I work with patients just like this and help them move out of their health plateau. Photo Credit David Young
Disease first starts in the energetic field, and then physicalizes. What does that mean? When your body notices that something is wrong in your life, which can be emotional, spiritual, your schedule, your diet, your lifestyle, your happiness etc it registers an electric signal that extends about 3 feet surrounding your body like a force field (or the aura). So if you're around toxic people a lot, in a job you don't feel fulfilled, in a relationship you can only tolerate, feel overwhelmed, think negative thoughts and so on, your force field can be contaminated like a city full of smog. This pushes the toxic signals into your physical body contributing to illness and also does not allow disease to escape out of your body.
This may be sounding new or strange to you. To use a different illustration, do you remember the news articles that talk about higher cancer rates amoung people who live near radiation. Or higher rates of brain cancer in people who hold cell phones close to their head? Radiation is a type of damaging electromagnetic field. We create electromagnetic fields, one of them from your heart can be measured by the EKG. That's a normal electromagnetic field. Some of these electromagnetic fields created by our bodies, and can negative, but some can be healthful (give us energy, help us heal quicker, contribute to a good mood).
I have techniques patients can receive over the phone to clean out their energetic field. It's surprised some of my patients who have already invested so much into their health but are at a plateau get huge results from a couple of these types of sessions. Many of my patients recovered from headaches, dizziness, HPV infection, yeast infection, anxiety, back pain, prevented onset of a cold (to name a few) when we addressed their energetic field.
For Example here's the Energetic Theme for Cold (Stay tuned for energetic themes for other conditions):
COLD: Often occurs during a time when responsibility seems overwhelming. The person may feel personally responsible to make sure everything is perfect, sometimes because of a fear of looking bad or not being good enough. It may be hard for them to let go. There may be a theme of self imposed responsibility. The cold physically forces them to let go, stop and re-evaluate lessons learned.
If you have that inner feeling that the health condition you're suffering with may be related to something emotional in your life, don't wait because you may be reading this for a reason. When patients receive sessions to help clear these negative energetic patterns in their body, it helps the body to release the disease. This is because the body is designed to heal itself. There are so many amazing mechanisms in our body that were created in us that keeps us healthy so when there is a health problem, it is a sign that something is off. Good news is there is a way to clear the block and also stop the plateu so you can live the life you want and have the health to not hold back. Contact me if you're wondering if this can be something that's an answer to your search.