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Entries in new years resolutions (3)


What are Small New Year Changes that can make a Big Difference

Happy New Year, it’s already 1 week into the new year! Now is a time a lot of people like to make New Year’s Resolutions. But 23% of people have already quit by 1 week, and only 36% make it to the 1 month according to a US statistic. But I believe in you! You can do better than that and make this year one of momentum, success and health. You can get what you desire without it being overwhelming. Here are some Tips that I hope will be helpful and inspiring to you:


-Make a long list of things to NOT do (you may feel like a little kid being told you can’t do something), and it probably won’t work.


-Choose only 1 thing you can add to your life that will make it better.

-Set a time and time frequency you will do this (For example working out M, W, F after work).

-Anchor it to an activity you already do, so it is easier not to forget it if possible. (For example, meditate for 10 minutes daily after breakfast. If you usually eat breakfast, you make the meditation a habit that goes along with your breakfast). Photo Credit Aaron Davis

-Add another thing you would like to do ONLY AFTER you’ve achieved the first consistently. It will be very tempting to make a list of a few things to change, but often that leads to falling short. Feeling behind is not a fun feeling and people sometimes end up giving up on everything. Instead if you only focus on 1 thing, and do it well, you will start to feel a sense of accomplishment. This sense of achievement feels good and serves as a fuel and motivator for when you are ready to implement the next thing. Everything starts getting easier.

“Slow down and take things 1 step at a time”


We are all human and have emotions. That is what makes life colorful. Sometimes some emotions get in the way of our productivity, our health, and our relationships. I was listening to something the other day and was reminded that:

“Emotional pain lasts 20 minutes, the rest is self-inflicted.” -Manu Shahi

It is humbling to realize that we create most of our own suffering. It is easier to blame our suffering on our circumstances, or what someone did or said to you. But if we can remember to reel in our thoughts so that what we think is true, lovely, life giving, and full of gratitude, this mental state is the fuel for creating positivity in your life and powerful to shift out of what no longer is acceptable.

A strong spiritual state, a strong mind, and resilient emotions are what makes you successful, whether your focus is on more money, more resources, improved relationships, or health. When you take the time to grow in this aspect, the rest comes so much more easily. Let me know if I can help you with any of these aspects. If there is an imbalance in your life, don’t settle and make excuses for it. Even if you don’t see a solution, perhaps seeking the help of the right professional can exponentially speed up and simplify the path to your goals. Happy New Year!




Reverse New Years Resolutions

3 Ways to REVERSE Resolutions and get what you want more easily

I want to thank you for the privilege and your trust in working together towards your health needs. Wishing you a happy new year filled with health, vibrancy, a sense of peace, prosperity and a renewed zest in life. Photo Credit: Jernej Furman

The new year is a time we all like to make resolutions, but regular life happens and then somehow it is another year again! What has not worked, probably wont' work. It is probably a waste of your precious efforts to try to do the same thing that didn't work and get disappointed. So how about we shake things up and REVERSE things. Let's flip it upside down. There is a high chance it will be easier. And it will work. 

1. REMOVE ONE THING. If you are someone who on your ideal day, you can think of 6 good things to do for your health but none of them get done, because they are all good, but too about you not add more. You may be already overwhelmed with life. Adding more things to do is just more stressful. Let's do the opposite. REMOVE one thing that can benefit your health. Choose just one thing to keep it simple. You can pick one thing to REMOVE for one week, or one month, then change to something else. Here are some ideas for you, remember, be nice to yourself and just pick one. 
-Remove sugary drinks, soda, or coffee
-Stop staying up late at night
-Take out one snack during the day
-Stop fearful thoughts
-Turn off the TV half our before bed
-Take out carbs in 1 of your meals

2. ADD ONE THING. If you are someone who is tired of people telling you not to do something, this one is for you. All the restrictions makes you feel like doing it more. It feels like a reward to have what you cannot have. Instead of doing the "do nots" for health, how about just add something that is beneficial for you. You can make progress this way too. Remember, be nice to yourself and just pick one. Here are some ideas:
-Eat 2 cups of vegetables daily (instead of focusing on restricting foods, just get in 2 cups of good stuff)
-Drink 2 glasses of lemon water daily, then 6 cups of regular water. 
-Meditate for 10 minutes
-Tell each person in your household one thing you are grateful about them
-Before you sleep, praise yourself for 2 things
-take your vitamins consistently

3. WHY. "Because my doctor said", "because I should", "I better..." just makes me feel like it is all a burden. Who really wants to do something for these reasons? Why do you want to get healthy? Why is health important to you? What will change in your life if you had your health back? What can you have that you don't have now because of your health? Ask yourself these questions. A deeper purpose that may be even bigger than yourself, can be a beautiful motivator for you to take the steps towards what you want. When you have the "fire" and the inspiration, you'll love to do it. It will be easier. It will be more successful. 

And if you need some guidance and specific direction on how to get there with your health, I am honored to be there for you. Happy New Year! 


What health functions does the Basic Chakra Control?

Wishing you health, abundance, peace, and a thriving life this new year. If you feel like you can’t have all of these, or not sure how you can, let’s change that this new year. You see, good health is not just being physically healthy it also includes your emotional and spiritual health.

 There are generally three large categories of life:

  1. Health
  2. Money
  3. Relationships

If you can improve one of these usually the others also start to improve. I believe that the first aspect to improve on is health. Once you have health it is much more efficient to make more money and a lot less effort to improve relationships. My patients who are willing to invest in both their physical Health and energetic health improve exponentially quicker than those who only focus on the physical. How would you like to get out of survival mode this new year and thrive in all 3 aspects of your life?

There's a technique I use with patients that can help release negative energetic frequencies. This literally "unstucks" blocks to healing. It's called pranic healing and can be done over the phone. If your body has been very depleted this technique adds energy to your body so it can heal faster (like recharging your batteries for you). Patients with long term traumas, anxiety, depression, migraines, hypertension, infections, frequent illness, and physical pain have had an incredible success what Pranic Healing. Why?

What does immune imbalance, feeling like you don’t have enough, low sex drive, and pain have to do with each other? They are all controlled by a center in your body called the basic chakra. Today I'll share with you some information about the basic/root/or first chakra. If you have not heard about what a chakra is before, a chakra is an area of concentrated energy that corresponds to particular aspects and part of your physical body. If you like science, you can measure the size and electromagnetic frequency of a chakra through Kirlian photography.

The basic chakra is located near your tail bone and base of the spine. It controls and maintains the health of the following body systems:

1. The muscular and skeletal systems. If the basic chakra is out of balance, muscular tension, joint pain can occur.

2. Immune System. Since the basic chakra controls the skeletal system, the bone marrow controls the immune cells in the blood made by the bone marrow. The throat chakra also controls the immune system and is responsible for the lymphatic system. Allergies, auto-immune diseases, infections, and frequent illness are associated with basic chakra imbalance.

3. The spine. Weak basic chakra may increase tendencies osteoporosis, spinal compression or curvature etc.

4. Blood. The bone marrow makes blood. The basic chakra out of balance may worsen anemia, leukemias, cancer etc.

4 The adrenal glands. If the energy in the basic chakra is low, an individual will feel fatigued, low motivation, or even depressed. Patients with suicidal tendencies have extremely low energy in the basic chakra, they have a very low will to survive. If overactive, a patient may feel anxiety, insomnia, in survival mode, and in fight and flight response. Feelings of lack can be shifted by improving the health of the basic chakra.

5. Growth rate of cells and healing. Slow healing wounds, slow healing broken bones, growth problems, cancer, and slow healing from illnesses may be contributed by imbalance in the basic chakra.

6 The heart. Imbalance here can contribute to heart ailments.

7 Reproductive Organs. Low sex drive, pelvic infections, HPV, fertility issues, and miscarriage may benefit by balancing the basic chakra.

With any medical issue it is important to seek the attention of a qualified medical practitioner. In addition to what your doctor recommends, natural therapies such as supplements, herbs, homeopathics, foods, and attention to lifestyle add so much to the success of healing. Then addressing the energetic aspect is like the “secret sauce” I’ve found in my practice that exponentially improves the speed of healing. 

You might be thinking to yourself, "this sounds wierd! Why would it be something that would help me?". Both biology and physics are types of sciences. In our western thinking we go to biology in medicine. We think about what pills we can take to change our biochemistry right?

But our bodies are electric also. For example, we use EKG to measure the electric activity of the heart, the EEG to measure the electric activity of the brain. Your cells communicate by exchanging Na+, K+, Cl- creating an electric gradient. Pranic healing and energetic healing falls into the physics aspect of science and healing and may be the missing aspect to getting your body back to where it needs to be. One patient with anxiety felt an incredible shift and didn't feel anxiety after the first session for a whole couple weeks. Another patient with chronic debilitating migraines that occured 4-8 times a month has been migraine free for over half a year now with a few sessions. 

Feel free to contact me to see if this would be something beneficial for your case, or if I have any other thoughts for your situation. Wishing you a healthy and abundant new year!