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What Herbs are Good for the Liver?

Many Patients have asked me what foods and herbs are beneficial to the liver or good for detoxification. Most people know about Milk Thistle but here are a few others. You can use these as teas, food, supplements and juice. For example you can use watercress in a chicken broth with poached eggs, or use watercress as part of a salad. Artichokes are great to eat boiled with a dip of your choice. Below are scientific explanations of how various herb and foods help the liver. Photo Credit stereotyp-0815

Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is the plant but silymarin is the active component that does the work in the body, so be sure your supplement tells you how much silymarin is in your milk thistle product. In addition to detoxifying toxins such as alcohol, Tylenol and carbon tetrachloride, silymarin can also bind to the outside of cells blocking toxins from entering cells. If the liver cells are damaged by toxins, alcohol, prescription medications, heavy metal toxicity, or excessive glucose, milk thistle can help in regenerating liver cells and speed up the healing from the damage.

Artichoke: Artichoke supports the liver by keeping the flow of bile moving. The liver manufactures bile, and bile is stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps to digest fats and healthy fats are important for cognitive health, and have anti-inflammatory effects. But unhealthy fat can accumulate in the tissue of the liver from excessive alcohol or carbohydrate intake leading to fatty liver. Artichokes stimulate the production of bile in the liver and then also encourage it’s release keeping the flow of bile moving. Studies show that artichoke helps to decrease fat in the liver, which may help fatty liver disease. Artichoke also protects the liver from damage from toxic exposure and hinders liver cancer growth in human liver cells. 

Watercress: Watercress increases phase II liver detoxification pathways. In the human body, we have 2 series of liver detoxification pathways, I and II. The toxin goes into the liver and enters phase I liver detox. What comes out of phase I is usually more toxic than the original toxin itself. Thus the toxic intermediate needs to enter phase II liver detox pathways. What comes out of phase II is safer to excrete and taken to the bowels, urine or sweat to be excreted. The problem is most of us have a deficient phase II detoxification system and therefore have a backup of toxic intermediates. Watercress, NAC, Indole-3-Carbonol are among some supplements that boost phase II liver detoxification. Watercress is great at supporting the body in excreting cancer causing toxins. 

Pomegranate: Pomegranate supports both the liver and kidneys in getting rid of toxins efficiently. It also helps to regenerate the liver, connective tissue/cartilage and skin. The medicinal ingredient in pomegranate is called ellagic acid that has anti-proliferative (anticancer) and antioxidant properties. It prevents toxins from binding to DNA, reducing carcinogenic activity of toxins on the DNA of cells. Some of the toxins ellagic acid prevents from binding are nitrosamines (found in cured meats, salted fish and beer), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (found in wild fires, burning of garbage, tobacco, eating grilled foods). It is a good idea however to avoid these toxins. 

What Supplement Contains These Herbs and Foods?

Adva Clear by Metagenics contains all 4 of the herbs and foods mentioned above, Milk Thistle, Artichoke, Watercress, and Pomegranate. In addition to what we mentioned above, Adva Clear also contains vitamins and minerals that are essential to a healthy balance of both Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification pathways. 

I generally use 1-2 capsules per day for liver support and 4 capsules per day for a mild liver detoxification. For those who want to do a more comprehensive liver cleanse such as a 10 or 21 day program, there are a few Ultra Clear formulas from Metagenics depending on your specific needs and Adva Clear is very helpful in minimizing and detoxification symptoms by giving more support to the body and liver in clearing the toxins that are pulled out of the cells by Ultra Clear. Click here to purchase Adva Clear and Ultra Clear. 

For a more specific detoxification protocol, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Emily Chan. In general, do not go through an intense cleanse if you are physically very weak, have blood albumin levels under 3.9, or in the middle of severely cold weather. Otherwise being proactive in keeping your body clean, protects not only your liver but also your cells and other organs from the aging process.