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Fatigue? What Gobbled Up Your Energy?

I didn’t watch all the Harry Potter movies when they came out, but decided to check them out this new year. They’re quite interesting even for an adult…gorgeous imaginative scenery, creative, and transports me to a different world for a bit for some relaxing work/life balance. The movies got me thinking about ENERGY. Are you putting up with your own fatigue and trying to push through your day, running on empty? Not fun, not good, Photo Credit Epictop10 not healthy.

So in the movies Voldemort (the bad guy), would consume unicorns blood, and in another instance the life force of a little girl to make himself stronger, to keep him from dying. It’s just a story, a bit disturbing nonetheless. But it suggests the transfer of qi, lifeforce, or energy in a way that can deplete or fortify oneself.

It would be a bit creepy if someone could “vampire” your energy and make you fatigued. I don’t personally agree with this hypothesis because you should and can have more ability over your body than being at the mercy of someone else. But have you ever felt that when you are around certain people you get more tired? They could be an ailing parent, an angry spouse, a difficult co-worker, a demanding friend etc. Sometimes it really feels like these people take away from you.

They cannot take what you will not allow. Here’s what I’ve seen in my years of practice about other people and YOUR ENERGY.

-2nd law of thermodynamics: Energy flows from high concentration to low concentration. Healthy people have higher energy than sick people. Good mood people have higher energy frequency than low mood people. For example, joy, bliss, love, passion have higher measured hertz frequencies than anger, hate, jealousy, resentment, depression. This can be one of the reasons why you feel drained when you go into a room filled with negativity. There is something said about surrounding yourself with people that are supportive of you, where you feel safe, calm, loved, or comfortable with, that due to thermodynamics explains why you are more energized under these circumstances. If for some reason this cannot be possible for you, I have some ways to help you lower the negative effects of your environment on you.

-The less triggered you are by other people’s actions or words, the less what they do, or who they choose to be will affect you. There are ways to reset your nervous system so you can be more equanimous (neutral feelings, in control of your faculties, being an observer rather than reacting).

-Some statistics state that for most humans 80% of thoughts are negative and 95% of thoughts are repetitive. What? So only 5% of daily thoughts are new thoughts. Lots of redundancy.

How many times do you repeat your “to do list” over and over, till it is so overwhelming that you spend more time thinking about it rather than doing? What about the times you re-play a situation gone wrong over and over. These negative or repetitive thoughts take up a lot of energy. What if you can train your mind to be more efficient, so you are more efficiency and you don’t need to waste energy on repetitive thoughts.

I’ve had a few patients come to me sometimes taking 15 supplements, confused and at their wits end. They didn’t even realize, how much chatter is going on in their mind, until we did some work to balance their nervous system and quiet their minds. Once their mind was quieter, their energy started getting better.

I use a 2 pronged approach. If a fire hydrant is leaking, you need to stop the leak then clean up the flood. In medicine, if you’re not feeling well, you need to address the cause, then “clean up or make better” the body. Supplements are great when used correctly to match your body type, and current state it is in. For fatigue, not all adrenal support formulas will work for you. It needs to be medically specific for you. Choosing the right formulations will give much better results. Supplementation would be the “clean up and fortify” part. It’s very important.

We must also not forget, to “stop the leak”. We must stop whatever is causing your body to lose energy. We must teach your body to utilize energy more effectively. We can reduce your wasted energy expenditure (tensing muscles, overthinking, depressive thoughts, ineffective multi-tasking etc) so that you HAVE energy reserves, rather than RUN ON your reserves. Addressing both prongs gives you better results.

We look at what was discussed above as well as any medical factors


-hormone balance

-mineral imbalances

-heavy metal toxicity


-mitochondrial function

-mold toxicity

-TCM patterns

As this new year approaches, take a look at your life and see what you can intentionally implement that supports your energy. I hope some of the thoughts above gave some inspiration to bettering your life, energy and health. If you are suffering from fatigue, please reach out to me. I would be honored to help you.