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Entries in Body Image (1)


How to Get Rid of the Quarantine Weight

Are you looking at your scale after a few months of the stay at home orders and not liking the number on the scale? It may feel hard to lose the weight, but if this is something you desire, the way is there. And maybe there is a better way than what you’ve done before. Photo Credit TipsTimesAdmin

So you want to lose weight and you want it to work. You may have lost weight before but it felt like so much work. Then gained it all back. So you don’t feel like trying again if your efforts are so high for it not to last right?

Let’s talk about what works. If you were told about a method that sounds a bit unconventional, are you willing to try it if it worked? Are you someone who tends to reject ideas and miss out? Are you someone who likes to consider new and better ideas? Imagine if you were living in the early 1900s and made your travels by horse and buggy, and someone told you, you can get from California to New York in 6 hrs, would you believe it then? Sounded impossible back in the 1900s then but we now fly this route all the time without thinking it is impossible.

Back to losing weight, most patients ask me to help them with a “diet” to lose weight. The problem most people have is difficulty sticking to a diet, not that they absolutely do not know what to eat. I would say most people have some idea of what foods to eat to lose weight but the hard part is sticking to it, or that it is too much work, or they gain the weight all back.

Here’s the part that most people do not think of when wanting to lose weight but is key to getting more lasting results. In my practice, a few sessions to remove unconscious sabotaging beliefs have made a huge difference in successful weight loss. Doing it this way also makes losing weight feel easier, because what causes you to fight yourself is removed. I dropped 8 pounds myself during the quarantine in 4 weeks time, without feeling like a did much. You can as well!

For example here are some un-helpful beliefs some patients had that after they were released allowed them to lose weight and keep it off:

  • I’ve worked hard today, food is my reward (So why would you take your reward away?)
  • today was stressful food makes me feel better (If food is mostly your way to cope with stress, it will be hard to fight your body’s desire for comfort)
  • I feel empty: food fills the void (Do you keep eating even when you are not hungry? It’s more an emotional void than hunger)
  • People who looked good when I was growing up got it easy. I felt judged by my looks when growing up. I need people to love me no matter how I look. (Need to prove value of self not based on looks, so with this belief, it sabotages one’s desire to achieve a desired body.)
  • I have been violated in the past. This trauma makes me self-conscious of my body. (Until the trauma is healed, the extra weight can subconsciously feel “safer”)
  • I feel like people are looking at me, or judging me. I feel vulnerable. (Sometimes weight is a protection from being seen).
  • I’ve been stressed (people often hold burdens as extra weight, and stress increases cortisol which increases belly fat)

There are numerous healing techniques I use to help patients identify and release their unique unconscious beliefs that block them from successfully losing weight. I want to give back, and make a video to walk you through getting rid of a belief that gets in the way of losing weight. I’d love to hear from you. Please respond to this email, with what mental/emotional/belief system is hindering you from losing weight. I will select one of your responses (no name will be mentioned), and do a healing video next time. Email me and we could be working on yours.