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Brain Fog - The Pirates Did not Steal Your Brain

I just saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean Movie, Dead Men Tell No Tales. Great movie by the way! Have you ever wondered how the character Jack Sparrow played by Johnny Depp seems to think on his feet and act fast? He seems to have a clear and sharp mind even under pressure. Photo Credit Mackenzie

If you have brain fog and it gets in the way of your memory, sharp thinking, decision making, and makes you feel like you're on this dazed auto-pilot, perhaps there is something about how your nervous system works, that the "Pirate" knew how to take advantage of. 

The nervous system works like a distribution switch to divert blood flow and activity to certain parts of the brain when needed. To think clearly and not have brain fog, you need to have blood flow going to your FRONTAL LOBE (READ MORE HERE). This only happens if you are relaxed. If you are stressed, blood flow goes to survival centers of your brain, not the frontal lobe. Even more so, when you are stressed, your body secretes neurotransmitters and hormones that can cloud up your thinking. 

Brain fog can be caused by other issues as well, such as candida, heavy metals, toxins, low thyroid, hormonal imbalance. Many times I've worked with patients to balance their sympathetic nervous system and in a few appointments, they were able to have better memory, feel clear minded, and able to do things more quickly. Contact me to see if this is something helpful for you.

So how does the Pirate Jack Sparrow think so quickly in a dicy situation and get out strong? He has this incredible ability to perceive a situation that may seem stressful to you and I, as "not a big deal" and add some humor to it. His nervous system was relaxed and he was able to think clearly.

Laugh till your belly hurts. Laughing moves your diaphragm and relaxes your vagus nerve that passes through your diaphragm, encouraging the parasympathetic nervous system. Laughing also helps you breath deeper, also promoting the parasympathetic state that helps blood flow go to the frontal lobe.

Read More Here to learn a few practical ways to get your mind in a clear state. I suggest you choose just 1-2 that resonate with you and do it daily. 


Probiotics for Anxiety Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Gut bacteria can change the neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) in the body, because certain gut bacteria thermselves manufacture certain neurotransmitters. Some probiotics have a great effect in reducing anxiety. Another way gut bacteria works to reduce anxiety is by sercreting certain chemical messengers called cytokines that change the immune system/nervous system response. This is called psychoneuroimmunology. Photo Credit Niaid

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and GABA

GABA is a great neurotransmitter. It is the OFF switch of the nervous system and patients with anxiety often do not have enough GABA, or they have too much other excitatory neurotransmitters. GABA helps a person settle down, feel calm, feel safe and stop the fight and flight response. Certain prescription medications that affect the GABA pathway include Klonopin, Xanax, Valium, and Gabapentin. But these medications are often addictive and have unwanted side effects. It’s best that your body makes it’s own GABA. The probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus makes GABA. L rhamnosus can be a GABA making machine in the body if a patient has enough of this strain in their gut. 

An animal study shows that treatment with L rhamnosus decreased activity in the hippocampus, amygdala and local coeruleus.

1. The hypocampus is associated with long term memory, spacial relationship, and behavioral inhibition. Excessively active activity such as over firing in the hypocampus or inflammation can affect the above

2. The amygdala associates the 5 senses with emotions. Overactive function may ingrain more traumas such as in PTSD or excessive negative emotional associations with events, smells, sights, people etc.

3. The local coeruleus  is the part of brain involved in stress and panic. It Secretes adrenaline. 

Lactobacillus rhamnosus also reduced the stress response associated with cortisol. Therefore supplementation with L. rhamnosus is promising for supporting the body in making more GABA via the bacteria producing it. 

Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Inflammation

Too much inflammation in the brain is not good and can contribute to anxiety. We are not referring to the type of inflammation like a concussion, but chronic oxidative stress to the nervous system. Patients with higher levels of inflammation in the body such as those with autoimmune diseases, allergies, aches and pains are more likely to also have more inflammation in their nervous system. Anxiety, depression, and memory loss are definite symptoms that indicate an increased inflammatory response in the brain. 

Think of increased inflammation in the brain as increased firing of neurons. Think of an electric cord with too much electricity going through it that it blows the fuse. GABA helps to slow down this rapid firing and regulate it back down to normal. 

A study shows that Lactobacillus rhamnosus inhibits the inflammatory response by increasing IL-10 levels. IL-10 is an anti-inflammatory cytokine and helps to shut down the T cell response after infections or stressors. If there is not enough IL-10, inflammation can extend long after it is needed, resulting in chronic inflammation. L. rhamnosus probiotic can help support healthy levels of IL-10.


Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is a psychobiotic. A psychobiotic is a live organism (probiotic) that when ingested in a certain amount produces a health benefit in patients suffering from psychological disorders. How does this work? The gut bacteria influence the vagus nerve which communicates with the brain. The vagus nerve is the longest cranial nerve, exiting the brain and reaching all the way to the intestinal tract. This nerve channels the communication between the brain and the gut. I use a product, Ultra Flora Women's by Metagenics with my patients which contains L. Rhamnosus. 



Testing for Intestinal Inflammation

There's definitely something not right with your stomach or intestines but your doctor cannot find anything. You've been tested for parasites, fecal occult blood, even done a colonoscopy. Nothing! 

You wonder if you have IBS, SIBO, hidden food allergies, a more serious issue? You've heard of "leaky gut", but what is that? What going on in your gut and how can you fix it.

Sometimes silent and chronic inflammation can be going on in your intestinal tract without you knowing it. There are diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis and Chrohn's Disease that are named inflammatory bowel diseases. However you can have inflammation in your gut, that has not reached the severity of these diseases to be diagnosed as such. There is a way to find out if that is going on, and if the inflammation may be from more of an origin of SIBO (or dysbiosis in the gut), or if the inflammation stems more from hidden allergens.

Click Here to read the article I wrote for the NaturalPath Publications that discusses in depth the 2 stool tests for intestinal inflammation. The 2 tests are Calprotectin and Eosinophil Protein X. This is something very easy to run for my patients and can give some insight to help us narrow down a treatment. Click Here for More Information

Click Here to Contact Dr. Emily Chan 


Worried About Your World? Homeopathic Remedies for Political, Social Justice and Ethical Related Stressors. 

We’ve just had the most talked about presidential election in the US. Many of my patients have been very stressed about their world and future. Of course many people all around the world are experiencing different emotions. Photo Credit Stevesworldofphotos Remember to respect everyone and try to find common ground among differences. In this article, I mention a few homeopathic remedies you can use, if you find yourself stressed. 

For those who are very passionate about the affairs of their world, you may think it is irresponsible to let go a little. There is a fine balance for each individual as to how many actionable steps to take towards an issue and letting go of what is outside of your control. If the worry and stress is eating you up and you want to decrease the anxiety, consider the hoemoapthic remedies above to support you. 

Click Here to read about more remedies  in this article I've written for the NaturalPath Publications.

Causticum (Bothered by Social Injustice)

  • ·      Great sensitivity to injustice
  • ·      Fights injustice/activist
  • ·      World news and events feels very close to heart
  • ·      Overwhelmed by sad stories or the news
  • ·      Sensitive/Sympathetic
  • ·      Sees dark side of things
  • ·      Serious and intense personality
  • ·      Idealistic Views
  • ·      Rebel. Hates authority. Self righteous
  • ·      Anxiety
  • ·      Fear something bad will happen
  • ·      Nervous system/Nerve/Spine health problems

 Ignatia (Grief, Heartbreak, Loss)

  • ·      Grief, Loss
  • ·      Physical ailments after grief
  • ·      Disappointment
  • ·      Easily hurt
  • ·      Does not want to be consoled. Cries alone often in sadness and anger
  • ·      Puts on a strong/cold exterior, hurting on the inside
  • ·      Waiting for the good to happen that may never be
  • ·      Idealistic, cultured and refined

Cuprum (copper) (Suppressed Emotions)

  • ·      Intense emotions that are suppressed
  • ·      Difficulty expressing emotions, holds them in
  • ·      Feels cramped like they have no way out
  • ·      Cramping muscles, spasms. Spasms as a way to discharge suppressed emotions
  • ·      Feels attacked and helpless
  • ·      Fear if government, police, getting in trouble
  • ·      Wants to escape
  • ·      May stammer and have difficulty finding words, does not want to say something unintended

Click Here to read about more remedies contained in an article I've written for the NaturalPath Publications.

Generally in my practice, no homeopathic remedy, magic pill or medication will get rid of anxiety on it’s own. Usually there are some deeply ingrained belief systems, or early childhood incidences that have shaped how each individual perceives their world and reacts to it. It is important to heal these aspects. I explore these aspects with my patients with techniques such as with NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) that helps to remove ingrained compensation mechanisms stored physiologically in the body that subconsciously drives a patient’s innate fears and emotions. If you would like to be less triggered by fears of the unknown, things that others do to you, issues out of your control and stress, it would be worth to invest your time to addressing it, so that you get to live feeling some internal peace within. Contact Dr. Emily Chan about how NET can help you get rid of unhealthy stress triggers. 




What Molecule Increases Leaky Gut?

I had a patient who had to wait till around lunch time to leave the house because he would have 4-5 urgent bowel movements in the morning. His intestines chained him to his house because he couldn't be sure how quickly he could find a bathroom to pull over the car, should he leave home. This affected work and social life. Now many of you may not have symptoms as severe as this, but may be plagued with bloating, multiple food sensitivities, or a very reactive GI tract where there is no rhyme or reason to when your gut may act up.Photo Credit Ed Uthman

worked on the principles of healing his intestinal barrier, repopulating proper microbiome, and reducing inflammation. And the patient I mentioned above longer had urgency to stool, was able to go to work at a normal time and resume social activities with friends. 

The symptoms described above are some of the symptoms associated with "Leaky Gut". I have the priviledge to be one of the writers for the NaturalPath Publications and you can see the full article about The One Molecule That Causes Leaky Gut Here.

We will discuss:

  • What Molecule is associated with Leaky Gut
  • Zonulin
  • What Increases that Molecule (Transglutaminase, Nano Particles)
  • Where they are found and how to avoid them
  • Secretory IgA 
  • How to Fix Leaky Gut 

Click Here for more information