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Are you Dehydrated and Don’t Even Know It?

Do you have fine lines on your face? Do you feel tired and foggy brained? Well that can be a sign that your cells are dehydrated.

Are your eyes or face puffy? Well that means there is a bit of edema where the fluids in your body are not INSIDE your cells where it should be, but outside the cell where it should NOT be. This is another sign that your cells are dehydrated. 

I filmed this video for you while hiking in the desert. Watch it to see what you can do besides drinking water to keep your cells more healthy and hydrated. By doing this, you also slow down the aging of your skin. 

Hydration Video

Did you know that if you drink a lot of water but find that it “goes right through you”, you may not be absorbing water and dehydrated? This occurs very frequently with people who have adrenal fatigue, because cortisol steals away from aldosterone, which helps regulate water balance. Your cells are vital for keeping your body functioning well, so if your cells are not hydrated, you may experience fatigue, muscle aches, dry mouth, decreased immune system function, slower wound healing, and aging faster.

I explain what you can do in my video to keep water inside your cells. This is very important in order to stay hydrated, because many people make the mistake of drinking enough water, but if their body does not have the ability to hold the water inside the cells, they are still dehydrated. Click Here to Watch.

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How to Add More Hours to Your Day

I Don't Have Enough Time! 

Secret to Less Overwhelm and Getting More Done.


How do you get more things done in the same amount of time without multitasking or stressing? How doyou make more money in the same amount of time? How do you heal faster than the time it takes most people?

I was sitting in the movie theater watching the movie Interstellar, which got me thinking about why the length of time is not the same on different planets. So one hour on one planet can equal 1 year on a different one. How can that be? 

I was very curious and wondered if we can use the science on time dilation to our advantage, so that we can basically have more time, or do more in less time. I'd love to share this article I've written which just got published in a naturopathic medical journal explaining this. 
Read more to find out practical ways you can warp time so that you seem to have more of it. Some people need some intellectual scientific reasoning for them to feel convinced and I have it all here for you. 


How Does Stress Affect Your Stomach?

Does Relationship Stress Relate To Digestive Problems?

Have you noticed that when you are in a healthy relationship that your physical health is generally better? Have you seen a friend who is going through a rough patch in their relationship and you see their physical health declining? Relationship stress does affect physical health and here’s the medical reasoning for this. According to Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology, stress affect over 12 different body systems. Today we talk about how stress affects your digestive system. Photo Credit Filip Bunkens

“To be or not to be, that is the question”. Should I call him or not? Is it too soon? What does she think about me? I like them a lot, and sometimes I get a really nice text and sometimes I’m not sure how important I am to them. Did I do something wrong? These are some very common internal fears and conversations that go on in the head of our single folk. 

Now if you are married or in a steady relationship there are different issues that go on in a relationship that can be stressful, such as seeing blind spots in your partner that you really want them to change. But if they don’t change, it bothers you more than them! 

Perhaps one partner is too overbearing and nagging. Perhaps one partner does not feel they are a priority in the relationship and feels neglected. Perhaps there are disagreements in how to raise children. Over 50% of marriages in America end in divorce. I believe a key to being and staying in a happy and fulfilled relationship is getting the tools that we may not have had growing up. Then taking small consistent action to love and honor your partner, so that you have a thriving relationship.

Let's talk about how stress affects your digestive system. 

How does stress affect your Stomach?

When you are stressed, your nervous system shifts to the fight and flight response known as the sympathetic nervous system. In the sympathetic state, you do not feel safe and the body shifts to survival mode. In survival mode your blood flow goes away from the digestive system. Imagine in the olden days if a bear chased you, the last thing you should do is start snacking. This is pure physiological adaptation. 

If less blood supply goes to your digestive system, digestion is not as effective, and nutrient absorption is compromised. If improperly digested food sits too long in your gut, it rots, producing more bloating and gas. Stress also induces more inflammation in the body, so there will be a higher chance of IBS and ulcers. 

Stress also increases the production of a hormone cortisol that can affect the nervous system control to the immune system. Since 70% of your immune system is in the GI tract, stress can make you more susceptible to dysbiosis (imbalance of bacteria or yeast in your gut), as well as susceptibility to infections from bacteria, parasites, or the bacteria H. pylori associated with GERD.

I’ve seen so many patients who are incredibly hard on themselves. When they don’t feel loved the way they want in relationships, they may sometimes change themselves based on what they assume will make themselves more attractive to their partner. They may tend to have thoughts revolving around themselves not being enough. I’ve seen thriving people quickly spiral down this path within a few weeks of emotional stress, and perhaps develop digestive problems. 

Ayurvedic Help for the Stomach

In Ayurveda, the Solar Plexus or 3rd Chakra is associated with our will power, healthy sense of who-we-are, self-worth, and confidence. There are 7 Chakras in our body; they are concentrated energy centers in our body that relate to different aspects of us. The Solar Plexus is located just above your navel in your abdomen and this energy center is connected to a healthy digestive system. Repressing your emotions, losing a sense of identity, or feeling not good enough is linked to a weak solar plexus. 

To strengthen the solar plexus so that you increase energy and healing to your digestive tract it is first very important to see, believe and love the beautiful person you are. Value who you are. 

Second, breathe energy into your abdominal area. You may feel that the breath is blocked and does not reach that far down into your belly. That is OK, keep imagining moving your breath down your belly and it will come with some practice. While you breath into your abdomen, imagine a light that is re-igniting and reconnecting you with who you are, and start to feel the strength and confidence that comes with that. Do this for 5 minutes twice daily. Third, you can use lavender or lemon balm essential oils to rub on your solar plexus to help release the knot in your stomach.

Chinese Medicine Help for the Stomach

If you tend to feel angry or frustrated often in your relationship, these emotions are often related to a liver and gallbladder imbalance according to Chinese Medicine. This means that the energy flow to these organ meridian paths is blocked and does not mean that you have liver or gallbladder disease. The beauty about herbal medicine is that not only does it have specific biochemical scientific mechanisms whereby it can correct certain disease states in our body, but the herbs also have an energetic personality, which when matched correctly with a patient’s constitution can be very specific and effective in balancing any physical problem that is also connected to emotional stress patterns. Photo Credit Jacki-Dee

The herb Bupleurum is very good for helping with sluggish digestion, supporting the liver, and decreasing the “yucky” feeling in your stomach as well as helping with decreasing stress associated with anger and frustration. You can find Bupleurum in this wonderful stress formula called, Tran Q by Metagenics. Please seek medical advise from your doctor before using any information contained in this article.


If you tend to have a lot of racing thoughts and unable to quiet your mind, constantly dwelling on the “what ifs”, it is very likely you are Yin Deficient according to Chinese medicine. Yin is important to help you stay grounded, calm, peaceful, and positive. Yin also is important to help one fall asleep as well as bringing energy to the digestive tract. If you are Yin deficient, the herb Rehmannia is very helpful to bring more grounding and nurturing to the body. The herb Polygala Root is helpful to give strength and willpower to withstand difficult or stressful times gracefully. I like the formula Serenagen by Metagenics, which contains both these herbs. 

You can get Tran Q and Serenagen here:

I have been blessed to change many patients lives, often turning around debilitating stomach, intestinal problems in one to two months by giving the body natural treatments based on their specific individual case and the latest cutting edge scientific research. Remember if you are stressed in your relationship, that the answer is right in front of you. Work with your relationship coach. Start seeing outside of your box and expand your perspective. Start experimenting with letting go of any thought that does not give you life, freedom and joy. You can have a life with a joyful and fulfilling relationship. There is hope you can heal if you have a physical illness. Remember consistent action gives results. 





Emotions and the Liver

What Emotions are Related to the Liver?

According to the Chinese, one of the functions of the liver is to make sure qi moves in harmony throughout the body. Qi can be thought of as energy, vital force or substance. Qi is the essence of life. The liver helps move qi up and down the body and harmonizes it. The flow of qi is also greatly related to the emotions. When the liver works well and qi flows free and unrestrained, then one feels happy, creative, focused with a calm mind.

Liver qi Stagnation:Photo Credit aJ Gazman

Liver Qi Stagnation can result in emotions of heaviness in the chest, depression, obsessive thoughts or sensation of overwhelm. Exercise and movement of the body is always a great way to dissipate any type of stagnation.

Hyperactive Liver Qi:

Hyperactive Liver Qi can result in emotions of anger, frustration, irritability and disturbed sleep. Calming and detoxifying activities are helpful to balance a hyperactive liver qi state. Consult Dr. Emily Chan ND for more specific personalized protocols to support your liver or constitutional imbalances. 

Please See My Previous Blog Article for Herbs that Support the Liver.

The Liver and Mindset Patterns:

Here are some insights based on numerology and spiritual teachers about imbalances involving the liver. Numerology is a study that connects certain themes to numbers. Each English Alphabet is assigned a number, for example, A=1, B=2, C=3 and so forth. The numbers are added up based on alphabets that make up a word and then the numbers are reduced to a single digit. Below are certain themes for some conditions related to the liver. Use these to guide your healing because they may be areas that open up insight to your journey in life and health. 

Alcoholism (44/8 Numerology Number) Alcoholism relates to difficulty standing up for personal beliefs. There may be a tendency to either abusing power or the opposite of that which is fear of using healthy empowerment from within. High expectations can lead to overwhelm which then lead to procrastination often results in internalized or externalized anger towards self or others.

Liver Cancer (56/11/2 Numerology Number) The liver is a place that is a filter for our emotions as well as a garbage collector of emotions. Liver cancer is associated with feelings of inadequacy, lack of emotional intimacy and difficulty releasing or expressing emotions. There is also a tendency to frustration over knowing and seeing what ought to be, but being unable or having no control over making them what ought to be.

Cirrhosis: (55/1 Numerology Number) Cirrhosis is associated with the energy of resistance to change or moving forward which leads to being stuck. The stagnation results in dead liver cells hanging around and hardening. Another reason for the stagnation may be due to loss of direction and bearings of where they are in life, so that they are caught between being frozen and moving forward in life.

Liver Issues in General including Toxicity may be related to a theme of being stagnant and stuck in life, not sure a greater purpose is. There may be a deep sense of loss or depression over not fulfilling something meaningful, which stems from not valuing yourself. When one cannot value and love themselves, it is also difficult to value and truly love others which can result in people pleasing behaviors that often end in frustration and resentment. 

To remedy these patterns:

  1. Start knowing your worth.
  2. Value and Love Yourself
  3. Tap into gifts you already have and how your uniqueness can solve a problem
  4. Focus on doing good out of love and not from a place of need
  5. When you focus on solving a problem or connecting to a greater purpose…and if you can get to a place where solving that problem is greater than your fear, you will move forward with momentum, freedom and joy.

If you are looking for herbs and foods that support the biochemical detoxification of the liver, please see my other blog post here

To Purchase AdvaClear or Ultra Clear Plus by Metagenics, Please Click Here


What Herbs are Good for the Liver?

Many Patients have asked me what foods and herbs are beneficial to the liver or good for detoxification. Most people know about Milk Thistle but here are a few others. You can use these as teas, food, supplements and juice. For example you can use watercress in a chicken broth with poached eggs, or use watercress as part of a salad. Artichokes are great to eat boiled with a dip of your choice. Below are scientific explanations of how various herb and foods help the liver. Photo Credit stereotyp-0815

Milk Thistle: Milk thistle is the plant but silymarin is the active component that does the work in the body, so be sure your supplement tells you how much silymarin is in your milk thistle product. In addition to detoxifying toxins such as alcohol, Tylenol and carbon tetrachloride, silymarin can also bind to the outside of cells blocking toxins from entering cells. If the liver cells are damaged by toxins, alcohol, prescription medications, heavy metal toxicity, or excessive glucose, milk thistle can help in regenerating liver cells and speed up the healing from the damage.

Artichoke: Artichoke supports the liver by keeping the flow of bile moving. The liver manufactures bile, and bile is stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps to digest fats and healthy fats are important for cognitive health, and have anti-inflammatory effects. But unhealthy fat can accumulate in the tissue of the liver from excessive alcohol or carbohydrate intake leading to fatty liver. Artichokes stimulate the production of bile in the liver and then also encourage it’s release keeping the flow of bile moving. Studies show that artichoke helps to decrease fat in the liver, which may help fatty liver disease. Artichoke also protects the liver from damage from toxic exposure and hinders liver cancer growth in human liver cells. 

Watercress: Watercress increases phase II liver detoxification pathways. In the human body, we have 2 series of liver detoxification pathways, I and II. The toxin goes into the liver and enters phase I liver detox. What comes out of phase I is usually more toxic than the original toxin itself. Thus the toxic intermediate needs to enter phase II liver detox pathways. What comes out of phase II is safer to excrete and taken to the bowels, urine or sweat to be excreted. The problem is most of us have a deficient phase II detoxification system and therefore have a backup of toxic intermediates. Watercress, NAC, Indole-3-Carbonol are among some supplements that boost phase II liver detoxification. Watercress is great at supporting the body in excreting cancer causing toxins. 

Pomegranate: Pomegranate supports both the liver and kidneys in getting rid of toxins efficiently. It also helps to regenerate the liver, connective tissue/cartilage and skin. The medicinal ingredient in pomegranate is called ellagic acid that has anti-proliferative (anticancer) and antioxidant properties. It prevents toxins from binding to DNA, reducing carcinogenic activity of toxins on the DNA of cells. Some of the toxins ellagic acid prevents from binding are nitrosamines (found in cured meats, salted fish and beer), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (found in wild fires, burning of garbage, tobacco, eating grilled foods). It is a good idea however to avoid these toxins. 

What Supplement Contains These Herbs and Foods?

Adva Clear by Metagenics contains all 4 of the herbs and foods mentioned above, Milk Thistle, Artichoke, Watercress, and Pomegranate. In addition to what we mentioned above, Adva Clear also contains vitamins and minerals that are essential to a healthy balance of both Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification pathways. 

I generally use 1-2 capsules per day for liver support and 4 capsules per day for a mild liver detoxification. For those who want to do a more comprehensive liver cleanse such as a 10 or 21 day program, there are a few Ultra Clear formulas from Metagenics depending on your specific needs and Adva Clear is very helpful in minimizing and detoxification symptoms by giving more support to the body and liver in clearing the toxins that are pulled out of the cells by Ultra Clear. Click here to purchase Adva Clear and Ultra Clear. 

For a more specific detoxification protocol, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Emily Chan. In general, do not go through an intense cleanse if you are physically very weak, have blood albumin levels under 3.9, or in the middle of severely cold weather. Otherwise being proactive in keeping your body clean, protects not only your liver but also your cells and other organs from the aging process. 

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